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Robert R. McCammon 's Books

A very well recieved series by Robert R. McCammon are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Mister Slaughter, Baal, Gone South, They Thirst, Swan Song, Mystery Walk, Freedom of the Mask, Boy's Life, Speaks the Nightbird, Mine, The Monster Novels: Stinger, the Wolf's Hour, and Mine, The Wolf's Hour, The Queen of Bedlam, The Providence Rider, Usher's Passing, The Five, Bethany's Sin, The Night Boat, The Hunter From the Woods, Stinger, Blue World, The Listener, Dark Screams: Volume Two, Eat Me, Matthew Corbett 02 - The Queen of Bedlam mc-2, Speaks the Nightbird mc-1, The Monster Novels, Matthew Corbett 03 - Mister Slaughter mc-3, Lizardman, which was published in 2022.